1 | # 数据分析库 |
1 | import os |
1 | filenames = all_path('WeiboData') |
1 | data_list = [] |
1 | data.head() |
text | emoji | |
0 | heartbroken | 伤心 |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 |
2 | 走好 | 心 |
3 | 走好 | 心 |
4 | 走好 | 心 |
1 | data.describe() |
text | emoji | |
count | 1674858 | 1673955 |
unique | 220772 | 1780 |
top | 心 | |
freq | 228436 | 194223 |
去除 空格
1 | data = data.drop_duplicates() |
1 | data.text = data.text.apply(lambda x: x.strip()) |
1 | import json |
1 | emojiDict = GetEmojiDict() |
1 | len(emojiDict) |
1 | import re |
1 | data.info() |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 287976 entries, 0 to 703321
Data columns (total 2 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 text 287976 non-null object
1 emoji 287976 non-null object
dtypes: object(2)
memory usage: 6.6+ MB
1 | filterReg = data.emoji.apply(lambda x: FilterEmoji(x)) |
1 | filterIndex = filterReg[filterReg==0].index |
1 | filterIndex |
Int64Index([ 61, 374, 653, 816, 1428, 1503, 1772, 2093,
2382, 2697,
701750, 701882, 701894, 702185, 702186, 702380, 702501, 703077,
703095, 703096],
dtype='int64', length=4556)
1 | data = data.drop(filterIndex) |
1 | filterReg = data.text.apply(lambda x: FilterEmoji(x)) |
Int64Index([ 0, 47, 56, 65, 144, 152, 159, 168,
174, 175,
700205, 700206, 700207, 700266, 700352, 702191, 702192, 702193,
702194, 702195],
dtype='int64', length=3475)
1 | filterIndex |
Int64Index([ 0, 47, 56, 65, 144, 152, 159, 168,
174, 175,
700205, 700206, 700207, 700266, 700352, 702191, 702192, 702193,
702194, 702195],
dtype='int64', length=3475)
1 | data = data.drop(filterIndex) |
1 | data.describe() |
text | emoji | |
count | 277826 | 277826 |
unique | 215349 | 1339 |
top | [加油] | 允悲 |
freq | 72 | 22486 |
1 | emoji_counts = data.emoji.value_counts() |
1 | emoji_counts.describe() |
count 1339.000000
mean 207.487677
std 1196.566008
min 1.000000
25% 3.000000
50% 9.000000
75% 41.000000
max 22486.000000
Name: emoji, dtype: float64
1 | data |
text | emoji | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 |
2 | 走好 | 心 |
5 | 走好 | 蜡烛 |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 |
7 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 给力 |
... | ... | ... |
703299 | 期待蜜桃第二季,期待邓伦 | :peach: |
703303 | 期待伦伦 | 心 |
703315 | 川西真的是随便一个地方都是风景 | 鼓掌 |
703320 | お疲れ様でした | 跪了 |
703321 | 太快了!!! | 赞 |
277826 rows × 2 columns
1 | dupdata = data.text.duplicated() |
1 | len(dupIndex) |
1 | data = data.drop(dupIndex) |
1 | data |
text | emoji | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 |
14 | 虽然行为点赞,但是还是衷心希望老人,把自己过好了,有能力,再去帮助别人。 | 摊手 |
... | ... | ... |
703298 | 期待蜜桃第二季,期待邓伦 | 心 |
703303 | 期待伦伦 | 心 |
703315 | 川西真的是随便一个地方都是风景 | 鼓掌 |
703320 | お疲れ様でした | 跪了 |
703321 | 太快了!!! | 赞 |
203185 rows × 2 columns
word_to_index 单词查索引
index_to_word 索引查单词
word_to_vec_map 单词查向量
1 | def read_word_vecs(file): |
1 | word_to_index, index_to_word, word_to_vec_map = read_word_vecs('sgns.weibo.word') |
1 | word_to_vec_map['他们'] |
array([-0.058985, -0.095981, 0.213523, 0.078806, 0.090758, 0.303698,
-0.080819, -0.070496, 0.100697, -0.014494, 0.105789, -0.081538,
-0.220132, -0.001089, -0.010554, 0.045872, 0.020978, -0.078958,
0.310522, 0.026538, 0.116843, -0.012077, 0.091833, 0.199016,
-0.253477, 0.105833, -0.079761, -0.114635, 0.437327, 0.003209,
-0.191938, -0.292937, -0.042434, -0.092598, -0.031424, 0.232141,
0.175102, -0.028322, -0.182089, -0.127304, -0.105405, -0.0155 ,
-0.105409, 0.128716, 0.271304, -0.258079, 0.294854, -0.225564,
0.041693, 0.122313, -0.10642 , 0.218218, -0.061122, 0.032375,
0.061754, 0.060876, 0.177719, 0.080874, 0.040064, 0.028098,
0.181363, -0.073601, -0.009067, -0.031534, 0.190581, 0.175827,
-0.003394, -0.120093, 0.136633, 0.22353 , -0.286703, -0.083716,
0.07307 , 0.290753, -0.073568, -0.146416, 0.287048, 0.177982,
0.159483, 0.033554, -0.113645, 0.086506, 0.182751, 0.222543,
0.069108, -0.005411, -0.117244, 0.278492, 0.292221, -0.277547,
0.035062, 0.05546 , 0.043035, 0.118464, -0.03085 , 0.163017,
0.032309, 0.238069, 0.164545, -0.162392, -0.093865, 0.358772,
-0.138829, -0.27499 , -0.190523, -0.198303, -0.228555, 0.02823 ,
0.12706 , -0.017478, 0.279601, -0.130354, 0.376413, 0.107592,
0.501358, -0.392651, 0.167826, 0.030806, -0.047537, 0.0542 ,
-0.027822, -0.177908, 0.436953, -0.139909, -0.205398, -0.069401,
0.210465, -0.09408 , -0.030155, -0.186514, -0.408763, 0.209337,
0.154496, -0.155053, -0.073264, -0.208221, 0.031705, 0.007868,
0.105028, -0.313043, -0.030095, 0.32314 , 0.039472, 0.056924,
-0.029449, -0.18332 , 0.329696, -0.20353 , 0.079724, 0.005614,
0.033271, 0.129164, 0.06442 , -0.093268, -0.26306 , 0.042632,
-0.066531, -0.25593 , -0.082908, -0.211791, 0.269096, -0.231714,
0.498682, 0.171995, -0.188561, -0.254678, 0.127424, 0.490121,
-0.002619, -0.270687, -0.062654, -0.009806, 0.068663, -0.131597,
0.157276, -0.118741, 0.362313, -0.107524, -0.043709, 0.051271,
0.016886, -0.303519, -0.131623, -0.103483, 0.090379, 0.071147,
0.132338, -0.146149, -0.366627, -0.351044, -0.063839, 0.082302,
0.385776, 0.158985, 0.224325, -0.116336, -0.247472, -0.500043,
-0.054399, -0.51975 , -0.165844, 0.067776, -0.311503, 0.160354,
0.310949, -0.158256, -0.13147 , -0.046553, -0.132425, -0.174187,
0.137154, 0.128941, 0.077095, 0.086764, -0.085013, -0.076975,
0.116672, -0.234487, -0.029225, -0.297913, 0.03733 , 0.07142 ,
-0.333047, 0.250342, 0.071834, -0.360994, 0.160254, -0.085961,
-0.244442, -0.00217 , 0.016221, -0.25117 , 0.102826, -0.190794,
-0.163422, 0.067348, -0.066799, -0.105879, 0.281125, -0.092643,
0.014463, -0.040031, -0.047755, -0.192767, 0.166827, -0.210013,
-0.126185, 0.228651, 0.28803 , 0.045921, 0.15332 , 0.014357,
-0.149424, -0.235598, -0.137925, -0.333645, 0.114881, 0.25207 ,
0.046461, 0.00136 , 0.089115, -0.182189, -0.200544, 0.175124,
0.069565, -0.055904, 0.05993 , 0.067038, 0.119123, 0.143849,
-0.182774, 0.354611, -0.137333, 0.157642, 0.028673, -0.504065,
-0.006483, -0.056175, 0.131101, -0.106961, -0.07638 , 0.294719,
0.003378, 0.096714, -0.157428, -0.032374, -0.244506, 0.012603,
0.202828, 0.080087, 0.06369 , -0.315489, -0.087886, 0.172018,
-0.135227, -0.168902, 0.25539 , -0.265512, -0.209118, 0.003291])
1 | import jieba |
1 | words = data.text.apply(lambda x: list(jieba.cut(x))) |
Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache /tmp/jieba.cache
Loading model cost 0.805 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built successfully.
1 | words |
1 [走, 好]
6 [舒服, 了, ,, 着尼哥, 终于, 死, 了]
9 [老人家, 值得, 所有人, 尊重]
12 [老百姓, 真, 好]
14 [虽然, 行为, 点赞, ,, 但是, 还是, 衷心希望, 老人, ,, 把, 自己, 过,...
703298 [期待, 蜜桃, 第二季, ,, 期待, 邓伦]
703303 [期待, 伦伦]
703315 [川西, 真的, 是, 随便, 一个, 地方, 都, 是, 风景]
703320 [お, 疲, れ, 様, で, し, た]
703321 [太快, 了, !, !, !]
Name: text, Length: 203185, dtype: object
1 | data['words'] = words |
<ipython-input-41-21ad536f0372>:1: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
data['words'] = words
1 | data |
text | emoji | words | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 | [走, 好] |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 | [舒服, 了, ,, 着尼哥, 终于, 死, 了] |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 | [老人家, 值得, 所有人, 尊重] |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 | [老百姓, 真, 好] |
14 | 虽然行为点赞,但是还是衷心希望老人,把自己过好了,有能力,再去帮助别人。 | 摊手 | [虽然, 行为, 点赞, ,, 但是, 还是, 衷心希望, 老人, ,, 把, 自己, 过,... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
703298 | 期待蜜桃第二季,期待邓伦 | 心 | [期待, 蜜桃, 第二季, ,, 期待, 邓伦] |
703303 | 期待伦伦 | 心 | [期待, 伦伦] |
703315 | 川西真的是随便一个地方都是风景 | 鼓掌 | [川西, 真的, 是, 随便, 一个, 地方, 都, 是, 风景] |
703320 | お疲れ様でした | 跪了 | [お, 疲, れ, 様, で, し, た] |
703321 | 太快了!!! | 赞 | [太快, 了, !, !, !] |
203185 rows × 3 columns
1 | def ret_words_vector(words): |
1 | vectors = data.words.apply(ret_words_vector) |
1 | vectors |
1 [-0.047105999999999995, 0.23246850000000002, 0...
6 [-0.027774333333333328, -0.114836, 0.062758, 0...
9 [-0.05153150000000001, 0.103688, 0.23323525, 0...
12 [-0.16598533333333335, 0.16545333333333334, 0....
13 [-0.045179, 0.132102, 0.237468, 0.255355, -0.0...
53656 [-0.06892586111111111, -0.040252222222222224, ...
53666 [-0.124204, -0.0818, -0.02715266666666667, 0.0...
53669 [0.049611333333333334, 0.011862, 0.10510733333...
53683 [-0.01563454166666667, -0.008308624999999997, ...
53685 [-0.363667, -0.25396850000000004, 0.011313, -0...
Name: words, Length: 6638, dtype: object
1 | data['vectors'] = vectors |
1 | data |
text | emoji | words | vectors | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 | [走, 好] | [-0.047105999999999995, 0.23246850000000002, 0... |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 | [舒服, 了, ,, 着尼哥, 终于, 死, 了] | [-0.027774333333333328, -0.114836, 0.062758, 0... |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 | [老人家, 值得, 所有人, 尊重] | [-0.05153150000000001, 0.103688, 0.23323525, 0... |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 | [老百姓, 真, 好] | [-0.16598533333333335, 0.16545333333333334, 0.... |
13 | 好人 | 赞 | [好人] | [-0.045179, 0.132102, 0.237468, 0.255355, -0.0... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
53656 | 还有我们sf9的李达渊他让我们有钱的话先孝敬父母然后有多余的钱再买专辑如果还有多余的钱再来看... | 泪 | [还有, 我们, sf9, 的, 李达渊, 他, 让, 我们, 有钱, 的话, 先, 孝敬父... | [-0.06892586111111111, -0.040252222222222224, ... |
53666 | 全球的挑战 | 允悲 | [全球, 的, 挑战] | [-0.124204, -0.0818, -0.02715266666666667, 0.0... |
53669 | [加油] | 鲜花 | [[, 加油, ]] | [0.049611333333333334, 0.011862, 0.10510733333... |
53683 | 假设不离婚!各过各的!她的业务不再给他凭他的能力早晚被辞退然后没了生计!房子爱住你就住没人管... | doge | [假设, 不, 离婚, !, 各过, 各, 的, !, 她, 的, 业务, 不再, 给, 他... | [-0.01563454166666667, -0.008308624999999997, ... |
53685 | 我不配 | 伤心 | [我, 不配] | [-0.363667, -0.25396850000000004, 0.011313, -0... |
6638 rows × 4 columns
1 | data = data.dropna() |
1 | data |
text | emoji | words | vectors | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 | [走, 好] | [-0.047105999999999995, 0.23246850000000002, 0... |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 | [舒服, 了, ,, 着尼哥, 终于, 死, 了] | [-0.027774333333333328, -0.114836, 0.062758, 0... |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 | [老人家, 值得, 所有人, 尊重] | [-0.05153150000000001, 0.103688, 0.23323525, 0... |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 | [老百姓, 真, 好] | [-0.16598533333333335, 0.16545333333333334, 0.... |
13 | 好人 | 赞 | [好人] | [-0.045179, 0.132102, 0.237468, 0.255355, -0.0... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
53656 | 还有我们sf9的李达渊他让我们有钱的话先孝敬父母然后有多余的钱再买专辑如果还有多余的钱再来看... | 泪 | [还有, 我们, sf9, 的, 李达渊, 他, 让, 我们, 有钱, 的话, 先, 孝敬父... | [-0.06892586111111111, -0.040252222222222224, ... |
53666 | 全球的挑战 | 允悲 | [全球, 的, 挑战] | [-0.124204, -0.0818, -0.02715266666666667, 0.0... |
53669 | [加油] | 鲜花 | [[, 加油, ]] | [0.049611333333333334, 0.011862, 0.10510733333... |
53683 | 假设不离婚!各过各的!她的业务不再给他凭他的能力早晚被辞退然后没了生计!房子爱住你就住没人管... | doge | [假设, 不, 离婚, !, 各过, 各, 的, !, 她, 的, 业务, 不再, 给, 他... | [-0.01563454166666667, -0.008308624999999997, ... |
53685 | 我不配 | 伤心 | [我, 不配] | [-0.363667, -0.25396850000000004, 0.011313, -0... |
6580 rows × 4 columns
1 | from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder |
1 | emoji_to_index, index_to_emoji = EmojiMap.generate(data.emoji) |
1 | len(emoji_to_index) |
1 | #EmojiMap.save(emoji_to_index) |
1 | emoji_vector = data.emoji.apply(lambda x: emoji_to_index[x]) |
<ipython-input-52-2ca0af0b144e>:2: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
data['emoji_vector'] = emoji_vector
1 | data |
text | emoji | words | emoji_vector | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 | [走, 好] | 967 |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 | [舒服, 了, ,, 着尼哥, 终于, 死, 了] | 1005 |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 | [老人家, 值得, 所有人, 尊重] | 1023 |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 | [老百姓, 真, 好] | 963 |
14 | 虽然行为点赞,但是还是衷心希望老人,把自己过好了,有能力,再去帮助别人。 | 摊手 | [虽然, 行为, 点赞, ,, 但是, 还是, 衷心希望, 老人, ,, 把, 自己, 过,... | 977 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
703298 | 期待蜜桃第二季,期待邓伦 | 心 | [期待, 蜜桃, 第二季, ,, 期待, 邓伦] | 963 |
703303 | 期待伦伦 | 心 | [期待, 伦伦] | 963 |
703315 | 川西真的是随便一个地方都是风景 | 鼓掌 | [川西, 真的, 是, 随便, 一个, 地方, 都, 是, 风景] | 1041 |
703320 | お疲れ様でした | 跪了 | [お, 疲, れ, 様, で, し, た] | 1025 |
703321 | 太快了!!! | 赞 | [太快, 了, !, !, !] | 1023 |
203185 rows × 4 columns
1 | def text_to_vector(txt): |
1 | # shuffle数据 |
1 | data.info() |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 6580 entries, 30383 to 19525
Data columns (total 5 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 text 6580 non-null object
1 emoji 6580 non-null object
2 words 6580 non-null object
3 vectors 6580 non-null object
4 emoji_vector 6580 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 308.4+ KB
1 | X_train = data.vectors.iloc[0: ] |
1 | X_train.shape, Y_train.shape |
((6580,), (6580,))
1 | a = [] |
1 | a = [] |
1 | from sklearn.svm import SVC, LinearSVC |
1 | svm = SVC(C=100, gamma=10, probability=True) |
1 | predict_emoji('虽然行为点赞,但是还是衷心希望老人,把自己过好了,有能力,再去帮助别人。', svm) |
1 | # Random Forest |
1 | predict_emoji('你是不是傻', random_forest) |
1 | from sklearn.externals import joblib |
1 | data |
text | emoji | |
1 | 走好 | 悲伤 |
6 | 舒服了,着尼哥终于死了 | 笑哈哈 |
9 | 老人家值得所有人尊重 | 赞 |
12 | 老百姓真好 | 心 |
14 | 虽然行为点赞,但是还是衷心希望老人,把自己过好了,有能力,再去帮助别人。 | 摊手 |
... | ... | ... |
703298 | 期待蜜桃第二季,期待邓伦 | 心 |
703303 | 期待伦伦 | 心 |
703315 | 川西真的是随便一个地方都是风景 | 鼓掌 |
703320 | お疲れ様でした | 跪了 |
703321 | 太快了!!! | 赞 |
203185 rows × 2 columns
1 | df = data |
1 | max_len = df.words.map(lambda x: len(x)).max() |
1 | max_len |
将一组句子(字符串)转换为与句子中的单词对应的索引数组。输出形状应该是这样的,它可以提供给’ Embedding() ‘
1 | def sentences_to_indices(X, word_to_index, max_len): |
1 | X1_indices = sentences_to_indices(np.array(df.words), word_to_index, max_len) |
1 | X_train = X1_indices |
1 | Y_train = np.array(df.emoji_vector) |
1 | import numpy as np |
Using TensorFlow backend.
实现pretrained_embedding_layer ()需要执行以下步骤:
- 将嵌入矩阵初始化为具有正确形状的零数组。
- 用从’ word_to_vec_map ‘中提取的所有单词嵌入填充嵌入矩阵。
- 定义Keras嵌入层。使用嵌入()(https://keras.io/layers/embeddings/)。通过在调用“Embedding()”时设置“trainable = False”,确保这个层是不可训练的。如果您设置’ trainable = True ‘,那么它将允许优化算法修改单词embeddings的值。
- 设嵌入权重等于嵌入矩阵
1 | # GRADED FUNCTION: 预处理一个embedding层 |
1 | embedding_layer = pretrained_embedding_layer(word_to_vec_map, word_to_index) |
weights[0][1][3] = 0.475248
1 | def Emojify(input_shape, word_to_vec_map, word_to_index): |
1 | maxLen = len(max(X_train, key=len)) |
1 | model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy']) |
1 | X_train[0], Y_train[0] |
(array([170081., 75835., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
1 | model.fit(X_train, Y_train, epochs = 5, batch_size = 32, shuffle=True) |
Epoch 1/5
33632/203185 [===>..........................] - ETA: 32:43 - loss: -13765.9092 - accuracy: 0.0000e+00
1 | x = list(jieba.cut('今天天气不错')) |